On July 22, 2023, the International Spy Museum will join landmarks and monuments around the world illuminating to shine a light on those who continue to shine in the face of Fragile X. As the most inherited single-gene autism cause, Fragile X is the most promising key to solving autism.

Every July 22 marks World Fragile X Day, a celebration of families impacted by Fragile X. It is also a day to highlight those advancements in research that are working towards effective treatments and ultimately a cure. This research not only helps with autism, but it is also likely to advance our understanding and treatment of other brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s.

How You Can Help Highlight World Fragile X Day

Fragile X Day is all about awareness. One of the easiest ways to spread the word is through social media.

A simple post about World Fragile X Day can have a far-reaching impact. Or sharing a post about Fragile X can help keep the momentum going. Last year the posts featuring facts about Fragile X on the National Fragile X Foundation Facebook page were viewed over 1 million times!

If you have the time, you could organize a learning event in your community, school or even online platform. If you or your family has been affected by Fragile X, consider sharing your story with local media or online.

However you decide to mark the day, you can share your activity on the official map of World Fragile X Day.

Cover photo credit https://worldfragilexday.com/activity-map/

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